I found a 100% wool, tailor made tuxedo jacket from 1932 at the Portobello Market for £3 a month ago! I wear it to encourage men to remain gentlemen! To worship, applaud, celebrate and honour our ancestors traditions and behaviour.
Gentle equals gentle!
When I moved to London, I was excited to get to know REAL ENGLISH GENTLEMEN.
According to me
1. It starts with FASHION AND PERFORMANCE. A real gentleman is in harmony with his own body. He knows what suits him! He wears a traditional tuxedo or his national costume at events! His shoes are polished and expensively handmade.
2. HE IS CONFIDENT YET HUMBLE! He knows exactly who he is. HE CAN ADMIT INSECURITIES. He is not threaten by OTHER MEN. He is open minded and fare non’!
3. Yet he’s a true, old fashioned gentleman, he does not practice old conventions in terms of SEXUALITY AND GENDER. He is modern, loves his time of living as well as appreciating our ancestors. He sure can cook meals and do his own laundry. He NEVER understood why men couldn’t do it themselves!
4. He respects himself and is in contact with his own feelings, therefore he is able to RESPECT WOMEN UTTERLY! Every woman is to him a LADY. He believes that LADIES can conquer the world.
5. Politeness is all that matters to him. He will not call you a lady if you don’t treat yourself as a lady!
6. He begrudges people’s success. He sees the best in everyone.
7. PATIENCE is his biggest strengthen. HE WAITS FOR A LADY!
8. A real gentleman has a reliable car intentionally to pick you up and to drive you safe home. And of course he NEVER ASKS TO JOIN YOU UPSTAIRS. He lets you have the chance to ask!
9. HE HAS AN ORIGINAL MINDSET! You can tell that he sincerely CARES when asking how you are. IT’S IMPOSSIBLE TO NOT GET INTRIGUED!
10. His ATTITUDE has an optimistic impact on everyone, except the men who can’t deal with his TOLERANCE.
Only English gentlemen have been my inspirational source to this scheme of rules!
Kari xxx