Wednesday, December 1, 2010


Måtte du ta IELTS-test? Isåfall, var den vanskelig? Hvordan er den?
Did you have to take the IELTS test? Was it hard? How is it?

Yes, I had to take the IELTS as English is not my mother tongue. It was absolutely necessary to practice, either way if you are an English professional or beginner, because you have to learn its structure and tasks in advance. The biggest challenge is the time, as you have to divide the tasks in both time and difficulty. They get harder and harder eventually. But if you practice - it’s not hard at all! You just have to buy a practice book, I believe its called target 7. You are supposed to practice 4 weeks before the test, but I practiced only two weeks before and I managed it well. Fashion Journalism at LCF requires 7, increased from last year when it was 6.5.

Hva spurte de om på intervjuet? Hvor lenge varte det?
What did they ask about on the interview? How long did it last?

As I’m an international student, we had to do the interview over the telephone. They asked about my strengths, my weak sides, my experiences and my relationship to fashion. Even over phone, I was really nervous! But the lady I spoke to was really nice, though my fellow student had a really bitchy man as interviewer. However, remember - if they are bitchy, they only want to check if you can handle it and if you have the attitude! So don’t go down thinking you can't to it, just turn on your hornets and fight. This is what you want most in the world, show it!

Hvordan er det å alltid måtte snakke engelsk?
How is it to speak English all the time?

In the beginning it was hard, especially when talking to teachers and other authorities. But now, I don’t think much about it. As I live with two other Norwegian girls, I talk a lot of Norwegian as well. But eventually the English vocabulary develop, trust me, and you will get more confident after a while.

Er miljøet/lærerne på skolen bra?
How is the environment and the tutors at uni?

I’ve heard earlier students saying they didn’t like their fellow students that well, and that the tutors don’t give a lot of themselves in the classes. But from my point of view, it’s totally the opposite. Probably it has to do with your luck or not! I’ve been really, really lucky with my class, and I’ve found great friends here who I appreciate so much. We do not compete, we rarely speak about fashion (when you study fashion, you sometimes get enough of it), we go out for drinks and we share thoughts. There is nothing bitchy about us at all, as people say fashion is a bitch. I guess it is in the industry, but not in my great, lovable fashionable group of friends. The tutors are very nice as well, and if they are bitchy, you just learn how to deal with it. But most of them are great, and oh so frrreaking talented. They are in contact with haute couture, so I respect them very much, and most of them seem to respect us as well of course. So far we have had only one bitchy tutor, a male one, but as he was extremely talented, I really just enjoyed him and accepted his rude humour :o) It’s people like him that makes some days more spicier, and I love days like that.

Hva slags oppgaver får dere på skolen? Har dere eksamen?
What kinds of assignments do you have? Do you have exams?

Our assignments are really fascinating and interesting. At least I think so. We had one assignments on a Fashion news feature, one broadcast analysis, one magazine analysis and one analysis of a picture or object at an exhibition, including small ones, basically reflective pieces where we write our opinion on the tasks. We learn a lot of target readership, we have to know our audience very well and understand the essential importance of a magazines/publications target readers. We do not have exams, but the deadlines on the big hand in days are as strict as an exam. If you deliver them one day late, you have to do the unit all over again.

Er det slik at man kan utdype seg i et viss felt på 2.- eller 3.-året?
Can you do a specialized course on the second or third year?

I really don’t know, but I don’t think so. I haven’t heard anything about that, sorry.

Hvor mye penger hadde du med deg da du dro?
How much money did you have when you left?

Around 15.000 NOK. When establishing you need it, there are so many unforeseen taxes and bills. I paid rent for two months on this amount as well, If I remember it right. And there are pairs of shoes who are looking for a mother and flat to rent as well… Yes, many temptations when getting to know a new city.

Er London fantastisk?
Is London amazing?

What an amazing question. Yes, London is really amazing. What’s outside my door tomorrow? I have no idea! This city is unexpected, never boring and on some special days I’m head over heels in love. It’s getting serious, Me and London. Clubbing, shopping, exhibitions, parks, the food, you name it, the alternatives are thousands, and as I live in Queensway, which is known as a cosmopolitan street, I can choose from Thai, Italian, Chinese, Liberian, Moroccan, English, Japanese, Persian etc food. I love it and London please me very well as a city to study in.

Hvordan foregår det mtp. på lån? Må du tilbakebetale alt?
How is the loan fund situation? Do you have to pay it all back?

We get 202.000 nok each year. They divide it per term, so we get 101.000 nok from September to December, and the same from January to June. The school is about 115.000 nok every year, but they give us the chance to divide it in half, so we pay 60.000 nok each term. It leaves you around 42.000 nok to live for, but the term from January to June is longer than the first. I’ve burned me on this. For next term I will apply for a job, probably in a vintage store. We have to pay it back, but if you pass on your assignments/exams, around 15.000 nok will be considered as scholarship.

I hope my answers are satisfactory, and if you still have any questions dont hesitate to ask me. Remember that if you really want to work with fashion, you have big chances getting in at LCF, especially if you're an international as you pay big amounts of money. Good luck!

Ukari x


  1. Tusen hjertelig takk, veldig behjelpelig!

  2. I'm looking to study fashion photography in lcf next year, my teacher at college makes out it's almost impossible to get in! what sort of questions we're you asked? x

  3. Daisy: I don't know if it's harder than journalism, but i can actually imagine it is as i believe they prioritate the photographers immensely! the tools of cameras etc are crazy, any photographer would have loved it. but common' you should OF COURSE try and do NOT listen to yout teacher. my god he/she should be in prison for his/hers attitude.

    You mean questions at the interview? It says in one of my answers, but remmber that they look at your experience the most. at least i believe so xx

  4. hei kari! fikk ikke spurt under spørsmålsrunden; hvilken linje gikk du på videregående? så lenge man har generell studiekompetanse, har linja noe å si for LCF? har jeg som musikkelev like stor sjanse for å komme inn som media-, formgiving- eller almenn-elever? (sett bort fra karakterer)

    tusen takk for en fantastisk blogg - dere er inspirerende!
